Electricity prices are soaring! This country has seen a surge in sales of residential solar systems


Electricity prices are soaring! This country has seen a surge in sales of residential solar systems

  Several companies operating in the solar market have adopted the economic model of self-installing systems while guaranteeing current revenues and a return on investment. Enerpoint, which was acquired by automotive importer Colmobil, is one of the largest installers of solar systems.

  A home solar system installed on a 120 m2 flat roof can generate up to 28,927 kWh of electricity in the first year. the customer expects an annual income of 13,885 NIS per year, with an annual return of 14%. The investment in the system installation will be recovered within a period of 6.5 years.

Solar Mounting

(Photovoltaic array at the Jacob Blaustein Desert Institute National Solar Center in the Negev Desert, Israel. 

According to Enerpoint data, solar system installations using PV technology in private homes increased by 12 percent in the first half of 2022 and are expected to rise to more than 20 percent by the end of the year.

  This trend is also linked to the government's decision - that 20% of electricity by 2025 and 30% by 2030 will come from renewable sources.(News from pv-tech.cn)

  MG Solar as a top 10 solar mounting structure system supplier in China, promote the development of clean energy for clients. Customized services with OEM available to protect your confidentiality. The product categories include all kinds of solar panel mounting structure, like ground mount, roof mount, agriculture structure, carport structure, floating structure etc.

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