India 2022 PV installation impact 20GW


  India 2022 PV installation impact 20GW

  For the full year 2022, India is expected to reach 20GW of development, including about 16.5GW of large-scale PV and 3.5GW of rooftop solar. This is another huge leap from the 12GW of development in 2021.

  The solar hot spot of Rajasthan has the highest installed capacity this year at 4.5GW, almost three times that of its closest competitor Gujarat (1.5GW), followed closely by the southern state of Tamil Nadu (680MW).

New Energy Components

  New additions to India's large ground-mounted PV plants have almost kept pace with the target and are on track to reach 97% of the 60GW target in December. However, compared to the 40GW target, rooftop solar is expected to show a huge gap of 25GW. Since the 100GW target kicked off India's solar boom, the rooftop sector has lagged behind the large ground-based PV sector, which is driven by a large number of mega solar plant contracts. (News from PV-Tech)

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