Germany: The installed PV capacity reached 420MW in January 2022 with a total of 56.7GW


Germany: The installed PV capacity reached 420MW in January 2022 with a total of 56.7GW

Recently, the German federal grid agency Bundesnetzagentur said that Germany installed 420MW of new photovoltaic capacity in January. In comparison, 536 MW of new PV capacity was installed in January 2021.


The segment of PV systems below 300 kW, which is subject to the feed-in tariff system, remained the main driver of the market with about 216.4 MW installed. Pv installations with capacities between 300 and 750 kilowatts, which developers can choose between a lower feed-in tariff or an auction system, totalled just 12.7 megawatts in January.

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As a result of the strong growth in recent months, all regulated tariffs for PV installations will be reduced by a further 1.4 percent and will range between 0.0653 and 0.0496 / KWH, depending on the size of the system. For other systems of size 100kW or less, the fixed rate is 0.046 / KWH.


At the end of January, the cumulative capacity of all PV systems in Germany reached 56.7GW.(News from guangfu.bjx)


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