South Africa to have between 4 GW and 4.5 GW of installed capacity in 2024


  According to the South African engineering news website reported on March 5, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released a report that South Africa is expected to become the world's tenth largest photovoltaic market in 2024, and the dominance of solar photovoltaic in the country will continue to grow. 

Solar Mounting

  South Africa's national Electricity Company (Eskom) estimates that total new rooftop solar installations in South Africa in 2023 will be 2.6 GW. Rooftop solar installations in South Africa will grow further in 2024, especially in May, June and July, when power load shedding will be more frequent and severe. The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) noted that since the beginning of 2023, a total of 4.3 GW of solar projects have been registered with South Africa's national energy regulator. BNEF said it expects South Africa to have between 4 GW and 4.5 GW of installed capacity in 2024, with cumulative installed capacity reaching about 36 GW by 2030.

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